Take the Plunge in Brush Creek Art Walk
Brush Creek Art Walk (BCAW) is one of Kansas City's main plein air painting competitions. Artists are given three days to paint in 4 zones of their choice along a 4 mile stretch of Brush Creek (Blue River) near the iconic KC Country Club Plaza. Artists are allowed to enter two of their best paintings for exhibition and awards---a chance to win in two zones. Quick paint events with Purchase Awards are also scheduled during the 3-day event.
I'll let you in on a little secret. You don't have to be a plein air painter to enjoy the great outdoors. You don't have to be an accomplished or established artist to win awards. Heck, you don't even have to be a representational artist to participate. While cash prizes and ribbons are nice for your pocket and resume, competing is not what it's entirely all about. Other objectives are to promote, network, create and to have fun.
BCAW is in its 5th year. Over the years there have been various artists, from art students and beginners to professional painters. There have been studio artists that have fallen in love with the method of painting en plein air, that now do it regularly. There have been novice artists winning purchase awards and taking home ribbons. And abstract artists taking the more creative approach in interpreting a scene before them in their own manner. Many of these artists return each year to reap the benefits and rewards that so many others miss out on.
The thing is, participating in these types of events can be beneficial, more than you might know. They build friendships. They give you exposure. They bring new challenges and experiences which only help us artists to progress and stay active. They give you a chance to learn from other artists and help motivate. They market you and your art, and allow you to network with others for future opportunities.
Like art fairs, plein air events get your work in front of others. Hopefully the art buying crowd. It's part of marketing. Starving artists crave attention, attention is exposure, exposure brings potential sales. If you pick a spot to paint where there is foot traffic, be ready to pass out business cards, flyers and share information about you, your art, and upcoming shows. Plein air painting in front of others is always a great promoter for yourself and your art. The public is always intrigued by an artist at work. If people like your painting, they may want to see more. You might even get lucky and sell your painting right off the easel---that has happened. And if you are an artist that relies on those sales, that is a success. Free marketing at its best.
Besides marketing, another major benefit is networking. Networking is vital for an active art career. Group exhibitions and painting competitions make great networking events that can lead to new acquaintances in the art biz or art community, referrals, exposure, connections, and opportunities. Not only does it allow you to meet new people, it also allows you to stay in touch with those you've met before. It can help you get that next solo show. It can help plan or fill your next workshop. It can help build relationships with other artists and connect with art organizations and galleries. But it only works if you participate, attend, and socialize. Those who work at it will reap the rewards.
Trial and error? We artists should be use to it. Painting is a life-long study. It can be a learning experience, remember to stay positive and to have fun. Take notes for next year.
You will never know until you try. You might like it and become addicted to it. It might help kick start your art career or take it to another level. So take the plunge, and come out September 16th, 17th, and/or 18th and paint in this year's Brush Creek Art Walk! Paint one day, paint two, or stay and paint all three days---that's up to you. Bring a friend to paint along or to keep you company.
Register today or at the event. Fee is $35.
Contact Alex Hamil, BCAW Director at alexpaints@kc.rr.com for registration or more information.
Visit BCAW on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BrushCreekArtWalkFoundation/.
Hope to see you there.

Besides marketing, another major benefit is networking. Networking is vital for an active art career. Group exhibitions and painting competitions make great networking events that can lead to new acquaintances in the art biz or art community, referrals, exposure, connections, and opportunities. Not only does it allow you to meet new people, it also allows you to stay in touch with those you've met before. It can help you get that next solo show. It can help plan or fill your next workshop. It can help build relationships with other artists and connect with art organizations and galleries. But it only works if you participate, attend, and socialize. Those who work at it will reap the rewards.
Trial and error? We artists should be use to it. Painting is a life-long study. It can be a learning experience, remember to stay positive and to have fun. Take notes for next year.
You will never know until you try. You might like it and become addicted to it. It might help kick start your art career or take it to another level. So take the plunge, and come out September 16th, 17th, and/or 18th and paint in this year's Brush Creek Art Walk! Paint one day, paint two, or stay and paint all three days---that's up to you. Bring a friend to paint along or to keep you company.
Register today or at the event. Fee is $35.
Contact Alex Hamil, BCAW Director at alexpaints@kc.rr.com for registration or more information.
Visit BCAW on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BrushCreekArtWalkFoundation/.
Hope to see you there.