Recently in the past week I was contacted via email by an art gallery in Americas largest art communities, New York. A representative for the
Agora Gallery located in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, NY said she was doing some research online and happened to stumble across my website. Liking my style and the work that I've done, she invited me to submit a portfolio to review for possible representation. I did my research on the gallery, they do well. Not only do they exhibit your work all year long, they promote it through a variety of ways and try to sell it. This gallery is much higher in status, more professional, than any of the galleries in the Kansas City area. However, the fee for representation had made my decision come to a halt. I would have to pay over $3000 in annual fees. Living on one source of income at the moment would not support such opportunity, so I had to decline.
Funny thing, a few days before I was notified with interest, I happen to scout online for potential art galleries in the New York art market. I wouldn't mind taking part in a distant market that offers so much potential. Chelsea is a district area in Manhattan, it is the center of the New York art world, much similar to Kansas City's Crossroads District. When I declined the offer, I did tell them I may look more into it in the next year or so. They said that would be fine.