"Through the Woods of Honey Creek"

"Through the Woods of Honey Creek"

11x17 pastel on paper


$380 unframed

$450 after framing


Located in Andrew County, Missouri along the Nodaway River is the Honey Creek Conservation Area. This area sits just two miles from where the Lewis and Clark Expedition passed in 1804. The area is mostly forest land, but also features native grasslands, croplands, and old fields. The road depicted in the painting is a maintenance road used by the Missouri Department of Conservation. These roads give hunters easy access as they ribbon through the area, sometimes leading to old fields and ponds.

Honey Creek contains grounds my family once often hunted for deer. I remember the days when I was just old enough to go on hunting trips with dad, grandpa, and my uncle. We would wake up 2 hours before sunrise and head out to Honey Creek during the opening weekend of deer season. This area was almost always our first destination, nearby Monkey Mountain being second---probably because of the easier hike and early morning. Fun times.


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