MVIS Inaugural Juried Art Show

The MVIS Inaugural Juried Art Show is soon approaching.  My three entries have already been submitted along with payment.  This exhibit is a prestigious event.  It is juried, which means the juror we hired (artist Michael Albrechtsen) is the one who chooses who exhibits and who doesn't---in fairness, this also includes the Founders.  Even I may not be worthy to display with the best of our organizaation.  We'll see when I get my notification. 

These type of events help keep members at their best and should encourage and motivate them to try hard and keep working, so when another juried art show comes up---they might be accepted.  This exhibit will have $1000 worth of cash prizes awarded to those who show exceptional work. 

For more information on events or about the MVIS, got to their website at


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