Commissioning Work

Commissioning an artist to produce a work of art can be highly rewarding for both parties. The work is personal and unique, it will be specifically produced for you and your requirements, and you build new relationships.
Artists not only make images, but project to the world an image they create of themselves through their artwork. In other words, we know artists by what they do. The more coherent the artists' work, the more easily we may recognize the creator.
When choosing an artist to do a request, you choose his/her style, medium, and skills in the subject matter in which he/she works in. Professional artists specialize, sticking with a particular style, subject, or theme that keeps their career moving in one direction and their artwork relative for collectors and dealers. One should look through the portfolios before making any requests to see a representative selection of the work. If your request does not relate to the work an artist does, you may have to find another artist who does the kind of work that you want.

The rule is simple. You wouldn't ask a charcoalist who specializes in portrait work, to paint a landscape in watercolors. It probably won't turn out well.


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