These parts of town are full of wonder. Old mansions and Victorian homes are scattered across the midtown and outskirts of downtown St. Joseph. While in some neighborhoods they are lined up on a block, others you have to hunt for. You may find one, go up the street a little ways and turn the corner, you'll find another. Architecture back in the day was grandeur, built with craftsmanship and pride. Some of these larger homes contain features that were brought from other countries in Europe. Maybe a hand carved staircase, the face of a fireplace, stained glass windows, or fixtures. These homes have their own treasures and individual characteristics, each can tell a story.
If you have the time, take a drive. Quite a few neighborhoods in St. Joseph are well known for their architecture (
Hall Street Historic District, Museum Hill National Historic District, Harris Kemper Historic District, Patee Town Historic District). The Frank Sommer Home, "Cracker House," is located on Main St. right off St. Joe Ave.
I cropped my reference photo for composition on a 12x24 gessobord. After sketching in the shapes with vine charcoal, I worked in the trees and the sky with color.
More to come, watch it progress.