Details on the house have been applied. Once the image of the main subject has been interpreted, I can continue working on it's surroundings. Later in the painting, I can go back and make any necessary adjustments as the overall painting comes together. I am now working on the next house down (pictured).

My palette right now is Naples Yellow, Titanium White, Cobalt Blue, Raw Umber, and Burnt Sienna. Black is rarely, rarely used in my work. In fact, I've only used black once in a painting. Instead, my darkest areas are a mixture of Raw Umber with Cobalt Blue---some Titanium White to lighten certain areas. For the sun-kissed snow, I use Naples Yellow and Titanium White. The exposed bricks on the house is made up of Burnt Sienna; with Titanium White for light areas, a Raw Umber/Cobalt Blue mix for the dark areas. Enjoy!
A title has already been chosen.
"Remnants of the Sommer Home"
12x24 oil on gessobord
in progress
Unframed paintings are available at discount - 15% Less. This painting will be available unframed at $680 after completion. $800 if framed. Save some money and get it before it reaches the frame shop. I do work in a "first come - first served" basis.
Those interested, contact me directly at